
Diversasia logoDiversasia project – Embracing diversity in ASIA through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices (15 Jan 2021 – 14 Jan 2024)

Students with disabilities have limited access to HE (Higher Education) in India and Bangladesh. This project aims to tackle this issue by making accessible HE OERs (Open Education Resources) and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), and personalisation using AI (Artificial Intelligence), that will enable better provision of open distance learning for those that experience architectural barriers. DIVERSASIA will build capacity of 2 HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in India and 2 HEIs in Bangladesh to integrate these students that have disabilities, using know-how and an inclusive education toolkit developed by experienced inclusive education experts from the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Belgium, Latvia, Turkey and Serbia. Project website Facebook

About Andy Burton

Dr. Andy Burton is a research fellow in the ISRG.
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