Virtual Portal for Interaction and ICT Training for People with Disabilities – Software
ViPi aims to support and facilitate the acquisition of basic ICT skills for people with disabilities. The project aims to provide a “one-stop-shop” interactive portal & learning environment for ICT skills by delivering a multilingual portal, including a social community, an online learning environment with accessible learning objects, and a full curriculum and framework for basic ICT skills training. (more).
The following is a set of links to the online versions of the developed serious games:
Note: Some files are zipped as 7z files to prevent corruption of foreign language characters oon compression. If you cannot unzip them you could use 7zip available for free at:
Escapology with content filtered for UK Pilot :
Or here is a download of both games, Rob the Mob and Escapology complete with a game editor.
Rob the Mob with content filtered for UK Pilot :
Or here is a download of both games, Rob the Mob and Escapology complete with a game editor.
The Yes/No Quiz Game (English only)
The True/False Quiz Game
Fly Swat
StaySafe (download installer)
The ViPi KA3 LLL project (511792-LLP-1-2010-1-GR-KA3-KA3NW) has been partially funded under the Lifelong Learning program, subprogramme KA3 ICT. This web site reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.