CodeRED – Co-Design to Re-Engage the Disengaged (Oct 2013 – Sept 2015)
High rates of early school leaving (ESL) are detrimental to making lifelong learning a reality and increase the risk of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. ESL is over-represented among pupils with disabilities (61%), emotional/behavioural problems and migrants. Code RED has been developed in response to these high levels of early school leaving and drop-out and exclusion from education that often lead to unemployment, poverty and social deprivation. The project aims at working with these groups of students who are particularly at risk of exclusion from education or drop out. Therefore, the main aim of the project is to take actions towards addressing the high proportion of drop-out from i-VET (vocational and educational training).
The latest versions of the ISRG CodeRED games can be downloaded below:
Installation/play instructions can be found in the project handbook (section 4 – p20-31)
Getting There (v0.6.1)
- Windows PC version here
- Windows PC version with Editor here
- Android APK here
- Google Play download link here (v1.0.0)