ELS06 – Mimic Game (NAO)

ELS06 – Mimic Game (NAO)

Choregraphe 2.1.4 for NAOqi version 2.1.4

Mimic game where the student has to try to:
Part 1: Raise an arm, copying the robot following robot instruction.
Part 2: Raise the same arm as the robot when directed to standing behind, next to and then facing the robot. The game can enhance understanding of point of view. NB: Requires additional feedback praise and try again behaviours.

Further instruction and detail on educational goals that can be achieved can be found in the Edurob Curriculum document in ELS06.

  • Key: “intro” – Robot says “Hello. Let’s play a copying game.”
  • Key: “raiseRandomArm” – Robot says “Raise the same arm as me!” and raises a random arm.
  • Key: “reset” – Robot reset to default standing position.

file: NAO_ELS06.zip (Download)

About Andy Burton

Dr. Andy Burton is a research fellow in the ISRG.
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