ELS13 – Classify the objects (EV3)

ELS13 – Classify the objects  (EV3)

Lego Mindstorms EV3 v 1.2.1 for EV3 Firmware version 1.09H

A set of behaviours to make EV3 speak questions asking a student to sort/classify objects or cards by criteria. Can be used with ELS13  from the curriculum document. It allows a teacher to command the robot to ask the student to find all the clothes/toys/transport/red things/blue things/yellow things.

The EV3 can perform the following separate programs:
Program path: “ELS13/allclothes” – Robot says, “Can you find all the clothes?”
Program path: “ELS13/alltoys” – Robot says, “Can you find all the toys?”
Program path: “ELS13/alltransport” – Robot says, “Can you find all the transport?”
Program path: “ELS13/redthings” – Robot says, “Can you find all the red things?”
Program path: “ELS13/bluethings” – Robot says, “Can you find all the blue things?”
Program path: “ELS13/yellowthings” – Robot says, “Can you find all the yellow things?”

These may be called using the Edurob App.

file: EV3_ELS13.zip (Download)

About Andy Burton

Dr. Andy Burton is a research fellow in the ISRG.
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